May 6, 2024
Kaspersky: “Number of Infostealer Infections Has Increased Sevenfold”

May 6, 2024
Infostealers are on the rise, and with them, the statistics tracking this growing threat. Many companies publish reports, but what do those numbers really tell us? We dug deeper into the data to give you the full picture. No time to go through everything? Our Passguard rating system scores the value of these statistics on a scale from 1 to 5. Convenient, isn’t it?
In 2020, Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence recorded around 1.3 million infostealer-infected devices. By 2023, this number had risen to nearly 10 million—a sevenfold increase in just three years.
However, it’s notable that Kaspersky also reports a small 9% drop compared to 2022, something not mentioned in the headline. According to Kaspersky, this drop is temporary, as many infections from 2023 will only be listed on marketplaces in 2024. The company predicts that the final number for 2023 will rise to approximately 16 million infected devices, equating to a twelvefold increase over four years.
Kaspersky presents the statistics accurately. We recognize the challenge of infections only appearing on marketplaces later, as infostealers can sometimes remain active for months or even years. A more precise estimate for 2023 will likely only be known in 2025, by which time we’ll already be curious about the numbers for 2024…
Still, we would have preferred a different headline. The sevenfold increase since 2020 is impressive, but the expected twelvefold increase, with 16 million infections in 2023, provides a more complete picture of the situation. Being cautious with estimates is good, but you can also be too cautious.
A small critique of an otherwise excellent analysis. Kudos for the thorough research and clear statistics, which provide valuable insights.
Want to read more? Here’s Kaspersky’s report: Data-Stealing Storm.