
Gain insight into the inner workings of our system, which can be roughly divided into three main parts: our operation, where we consistently identify new sources of information; the process of structuring and analyzing the gathered information effectively; and our platform, where you, the customer, can take action.

Identification & infiltration

Detecting dark web exposure is no easy task. Old and widely known leaks, such as those on haveibeenpwned.com, are simple to identify. The challenge lies in the most closed forums and information sources. For this, we deploy our 'human behaviour bots'. Unrecognisable to the forums themselves, they have been able to build a reputation and gain access to information that a regular scraper can never reach.
Passguard bots op het dark web
Informatie verzamelen op basis van een domeinnaam.

Gathering information

Once infiltrated, it's all about gathering the right information. The key search indicator for this is your organisation's email domain. Our search efforts are not limited to that. Based on unique hashes belonging to leaked accounts, we search further. With this, we collect a lot of additional threat information, such as activity on cracking forums and marketplaces.

Analysis in our platform

As a customer, you gain insight into your own platform, from which you have a complete overview of your dark web exposure. The platform is comprised of two parts:

Intelligence from dashboards
Trends, scores, and statistics provide insight into your organization's dark web risks. Where are the vulnerabilities? How does your organization compare to peers? It offers a quick and clear overview that you can use to demonstrate your organization's standing to your colleagues and to improve decision-making.

Smart datasets
Whether it's the source list, an overview of leaked data points, threat indicators, or the compilation of all this at the account level, our smart datasets enable you to study each event individually. They help bridge the gap between data from hacker forums and the intelligence picture from our dashboards.

Retake the information-advantage

Begin the process of mapping your dark web exposure by completing this contact form today.
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Ons platform

Wij brengen je dark web exposure in kaart.

Hoe het werkt