
Cybersecurity is continuously changing. New threats emerge as soon as older vulnerabilities are addressed. Now, a new phase has begun, with attackers increasingly targeting employees as potential entry points into organizations. Why now? There are three reasons for this transition.

Stolen credentials present the greatest risk

Implementing robust cybersecurity has shifted hackers' attention from exploits and phishing to utilising stolen credentials. According to a 2023 Verizon report, Nearly half of all data breaches start with stolen credentials, making it the most common attack vector.
Cirkel diagram met manieren om een cyberaanval mee begint.

Source: Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2023, p. 8 and p.14

De groei van marktplaatsen op het dark web

Dark web marketplaces are on the rise

The overall data leaked on hacker's dark web marketplaces have exponentially increased in recent years. The total number of unique data points leaked In the last five years has increased 10x, resulting in approximately one hundred billion unique accounts being breached. On infostealer marketplaces, there has been an even more striking and exponential increase in data leaks.

The divide between work and private lives is blurring

The divide between work and home starts is fading, with the digitalisation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic only further escalating this trend. The blurring of boundaries between work and home is impacting the cybersecurity of organizations. Most organizations have implemented some form of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. Furthermore, with people working from home more frequently, their home IP addresses are being exposed on the dark web alongside their professional accounts. This exposes new attack surfaces: less secure access points to organizations that are exploited by attackers.
Scheiding tussen werk en privegebruik op de computer.

“You can't protect yourself properly until you know what you're protecting yourself from. That creates an obligation to look outside. That's why we chose Passguard.”

Hans Quivooij
CISO at Damen Shipyards
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