
Pentesting reveals vulnerabilities that vulnerability scanning alone cannot catch. The challenge here is to put yourself in the hacker's shoes: what methods does an attacker have at their disposal to exploit vulnerabilities in the organization? However, this typically comes with a limitation: while pentesters can think like hackers, they do not have the same access to data as hackers.

The challenge

Performing only vulnerability scans is not sufficient. If an organization truly wants to thoroughly test its security, it is essential to conduct regular penetration tests, where a real person attempts to uncover previously unknown vulnerabilities.

Of course, to work like a hacker, you need to be in the same information position. The point is that the data that hackers use is often found on hidden or closed dark web forums. By bringing in specialized dark web data, you work off the information gap and start as a pentester at the same knowledge level.

Think like a hacker

Pentesting without dark web data puts you at a disadvantage. Hackers have access to information about compromised data, accounts, and devices in their attacks. To effectively test the login process as a pentester, this data is necessary.

With leaked passwords

Tens of billions of passwords have been leaked on the dark web. Which of these passwords can be used to defeat the first step of your MFA? Or can a successful MFA fatigue attack even result in a full login? Or might credential stuffing allow you to access a third-party service with confidential information, without having to attack the organisation at all?

And compromised sessions

To a hacker, leaked passwords are silver, but hacked devices are gold. Not only can attackers access the passwords of all compromised sessions, but session tokens are also often obtained. Have any devices related to your organization been hacked? And if so, have session tokens been obtained that can still be misused to gain access?

Retake the information-advantage

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