Endorsement Story
“You can't protect yourself properly until you know what you're protecting yourself from.”
With 12,500 employees worldwide, dozens of shipyards and a turnover of several billion euros, Damen Shipyards is the largest shipbuilder in the Netherlands. For dark web data mapping, it uses Passguard. Hans Quivooij, CISO of Damen Shipyards, explains why.

Every organization can fall prey to hackers as a "target of opportunity": an opportunity too attractive to ignore. However, as a billion-dollar company operating in highly sensitive sectors, we face an additional risk: we are also 'target of choice’. This brings risks of industrial espionage and hacktivism, among others. You can only protect yourself properly if you know what you are protecting yourself from. That creates an obligation to look outside. That's why we chose Passguard.

Another important consideration is the increasing role of digital identity, which is also important to us and helps standardize our global security activities. This shifts the "point of failure" to identity. The risks that Passguard identifies manifest themselves precisely in this area. What I find valuable is the importance of both internal and external observation. Indeed, the context of activities on the dark web can cast a seemingly minor anomaly internally in an entirely different light.

What makes Passguard attractive is that leaks and threats are not only visible chronologically, but that information is also aggregated at the account level. This allows us to take immediate action, for example, by giving individuals with the highest risks insight into their dark web exposure and advising them on how to mitigate their risks. In this way, the highest risks were addressed immediately.